Word for the Wise December 20, 2006 Broadcast Topic: Zuzu‘s petals60 years ago Word for the WiseAugust 28, 2006 Broadcast Topic: MoonrakerOften, when we mentio Word for the WiseAugust 03, 2006 Broadcast Topic: John T. Scopes and silenceJohn (来源:遥英语学习网站 http://www.2hzz.com)英汉互译中的谚语巧合1.After meat, mustard; after death, d Easier said than done.说易行难。The greatest talkers are always the least doers.大言不惭的 She woke him anxiously shaking at his sunburnt shoulders. (来源:遥英语学习网站 http://ww Panic set in as Alan scoured the grounds again and drew a blank for the second t (来源:2hzz.com)AnchorSo what do Janis Joplin, Barry Mannilow, Luther Vandrous and (来源:http://www.2hzz.com)A Historic Election 历史遥选举After a hard-fought campaign, D Word for the WiseApril 26, 2007 Broadcast Topic: Words of 194463 years ago this