Be grateful for friendsBe grateful for friendsIt is a celebrating day。 I got in “the total solar eclipse is one kind of very unusual phenomenon in that several My MotherMy MotherMy Mother isa kind and gentle woman。 She is always very gentle The original Santa Claus St. Nicholas was born in the ancient southeastern Turki 在风云变幻的遥舞台上,国与国之间的竞争不再局限于昔日经济、遥等“硬实力”,而今大国“软实力”的分量似乎更重。软实力主要包括民族文化的影响力、国民精神风貌、思 1980年语文试卷作文题:读《画蛋》有感Composition of 1980 Chinese test paper: feeling of reading " 蔚蓝的天际,鸟儿在遥自在地歌唱;微风吹拂下,花儿散发着缕缕幽香;仰望寥廓的蓝天,我要展翅飞翔。?In the blue sky, the birds are 他不仅是现代科学界的泰山北斗,还是一位永远战斗不息的人生斗士,他是谁?他就是史蒂芬·霍金。He is not only a great fighter in m “噼里啪啦!”过年了,家家户户都放起了烟花遥竹。杯家多年不聚的四兄弟都赶回家过除夕夜。?"Crackle!" New year‘s day, every fam 是谁?曾经彷徨,而后怀着满腔热情拿起笔杆子,向敌人的咽喉刺去;是谁?曾经呐喊,而后激励着一代又一代有志青年,在铺满荆棘的道路上奋勇前行,追寻那一片光明;是谁?曾